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Gene Review

cysE  -  serine acetyltransferase

Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2

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Disease relevance of cysE


High impact information on cysE

  • Resistance was abolished by O- and N-acetylserine in cysE mutants; by thiosulfate, sulfite, and sulfide in cysB mutants; and by cysteine in both types of mutants [1].
  • CTS-1 is induced in cysE mutants by growth in the presence of O-acetyl-L-serine (the product of serine transacetylase), again paralleling the behavior of the cysteine biosynthetic pathway [2].
  • They did not change the linkage of more distant markers pyrE and cysE [3].
  • Genetic mapping experiments, using P1-mediated transduction, show that trz-312 is 91-99% linked to cysE, the structural gene for serine transacetylase [4].
  • The results of three point crosses indicate that this mutation is located at one extreme end of the cysE locus, as would be expected for a promotor mutation [4].

Chemical compound and disease context of cysE


Associations of cysE with chemical compounds

  • Leaky cysB mutants, which are sensitive to the beta-lactam antibiotic mecillinam, displayed partial induction, whereas mecillinam-resistant cysB and cysE mutants showed no induction [5].


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