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Gene Review

lin-42  -  Protein LIN-42

Caenorhabditis elegans

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High impact information on lin-42

  • Per mRNA levels oscillate with an approximately 24-hour periodicity. lin-42 mRNA levels also oscillate, but with a faster rhythm; the oscillation occurs relative to the approximately 6-hour molting cycles of postembryonic development [1].
  • The time of LIN-29 appearance in the hypodermis is controlled by the heterochronic gene pathway: LIN-29 accumulates in the hypodermis abnormally early, during the third larval stage, in loss-of-function lin-14, lin-28 and lin-42 mutants, and fails to accumulate in hypodermis of lin-4 mutants [2].
  • We demonstrate that lin-42 acts broadly, timing developmental events in the gonad, vulva, and sex myoblasts, in addition to its well-established role in timing terminal differentiation of the hypodermis [3].
  • In contrast, lin-42 function in timing gonad morphogenesis is unique among the known heterochronic genes: inactivation of lin-42 causes the elongating gonad arms to reflex too early, a phenotype which implicates lin-42 in temporal regulation of cell migration [3].
  • The heterochronic gene lin-42 is the C. elegans homolog of Drosophila and mammalian period, key regulators of circadian rhythms, which specify changes in behavior and physiology over a 24 hr day/night cycle [4].

Biological context of lin-42


  1. Similarity of the C. elegans developmental timing protein LIN-42 to circadian rhythm proteins. Jeon, M., Gardner, H.F., Miller, E.A., Deshler, J., Rougvie, A.E. Science (1999) [Pubmed]
  2. Stage-specific accumulation of the terminal differentiation factor LIN-29 during Caenorhabditis elegans development. Bettinger, J.C., Lee, K., Rougvie, A.E. Development (1996) [Pubmed]
  3. Novel heterochronic functions of the Caenorhabditis elegans period-related protein LIN-42. Tennessen, J.M., Gardner, H.F., Volk, M.L., Rougvie, A.E. Dev. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. Developmental timing in C. elegans is regulated by kin-20 and tim-1, homologs of core circadian clock genes. Banerjee, D., Kwok, A., Lin, S.Y., Slack, F.J. Dev. Cell (2005) [Pubmed]
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