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Gene Review

unc-9  -  Protein UNC-9

Caenorhabditis elegans

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Disease relevance of unc-9

  • Mutations in the unc-9 gene of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans cause abnormal forward locomotion and an egg-retention phenotype. unc-9 mutations also reduce the worms' sensitivity to avermectin and block a form of hypersensitivity to volatile anesthetics [1].

High impact information on unc-9

  • Mutations in a third gene, unc-9, suppress both unc-79 and unc-80 [2].
  • The sensitivity of these pathways is further modulated by unc-7, unc-9, and the Dyf (dye filling defective) genes, which alter the structure of the nervous system [3].
  • Despite UNC-9 expression in both motor neurons and body-wall muscle cells, analyses of miniature and evoked postsynaptic currents in the unc-9 mutant showed normal neuromuscular transmission [4].
  • The innexin UNC-9 appeared to be a key component of the gap junctions [4].
  • Mutants in another gene, unc-124, also share all tested phenotypes with unc-9 mutants, including identical locomotory and egg-laying defects, suggesting that multiple genes are required for the same biochemical function [1].


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