Gene Review:
Lig4 - Ligase4
Drosophila melanogaster
CG12176, Dmel\CG12176, RE37186, lig4, ligIV, ...
- H3K9 methylation and RNA interference regulate nucleolar organization and repeated DNA stability. Peng, J.C., Karpen, G.H. Nat. Cell Biol. (2007)
- Targeted engineering of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome following Mos1-triggered chromosomal breaks. Robert, V., Bessereau, J.L. EMBO J. (2007)
- Lig4 and rad54 are required for repair of DNA double-strand breaks induced by P-element excision in Drosophila. Romeijn, R.J., Gorski, M.M., van Schie, M.A., Noordermeer, J.N., Mullenders, L.H., Ferro, W., Pastink, A. Genetics (2005)
- The Drosophila melanogaster DNA Ligase IV gene plays a crucial role in the repair of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks and acts synergistically with Rad54. Gorski, M.M., Eeken, J.C., de Jong, A.W., Klink, I., Loos, M., Romeijn, R.J., van Veen, B.L., Mullenders, L.H., Ferro, W., Pastink, A. Genetics (2003)