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Gene Review

NPFR  -  Neuropeptide F receptor

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG1147, DmNPFR1, Dmel\CG1147, NPFR-1, NPFR1, ...
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High impact information on NPFR1

  • Overexpression of NPFR1 was sufficient to cause nondeprived larvae to more readily take in noxious food, whereas loss of NPFR1 signaling led to the opposite phenotype [1].
  • Upregulation of insulin-like receptor signaling in NPFR1 cells suppressed the feeding response to noxious food [1].
  • Flies deficient in NPF/NPFR1 signaling showed decreased alcohol sensitivity, whereas those overexpressing NPF exhibited the opposite phenotype [2].
  • The short NPF receptor was not activated by any of the other tested arthropod peptides, not even by FMRFamide-related peptides (also ending in RFamide), indicating that the Arg residue at position 4 from the amidated C-terminus appears to be crucial for the response elicited by the sNPFs [3].

Biological context of NPFR1


Associations of NPFR1 with chemical compounds

  • Furthermore, controlled functional disruption of NPF or NPFR1 neurons in adults rapidly confers resistance to ethanol sedation [2].

Other interactions of NPFR1

  • Drosophila neuropeptide F and its receptor, NPFR1, define a signaling pathway that acutely modulates alcohol sensitivity [2].


  1. Regulation of aversion to noxious food by Drosophila neuropeptide Y- and insulin-like systems. Wu, Q., Zhao, Z., Shen, P. Nat. Neurosci. (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Drosophila neuropeptide F and its receptor, NPFR1, define a signaling pathway that acutely modulates alcohol sensitivity. Wen, T., Parrish, C.A., Xu, D., Wu, Q., Shen, P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. Characterization of the short neuropeptide F receptor from Drosophila melanogaster. Mertens, I., Meeusen, T., Huybrechts, R., De Loof, A., Schoofs, L. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2002) [Pubmed]
  4. Characterization of neuropeptide F and its receptor from the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Garczynski, S.F., Crim, J.W., Brown, M.R. Peptides (2005) [Pubmed]
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