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Gene Review

FMRFa  -  FMRFamide

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG2346, DPKQDFMRF-amide, DPKQDFMRFamide, Dmel\CG2346, Drm-FMRF-1, ...
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Disease relevance of Fmrf

  • We also found that some of the PDHLI neurons in the Phormia brain and abdominal ganglion contain colocalized FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity [1].

High impact information on Fmrf


Biological context of Fmrf


Anatomical context of Fmrf


Associations of Fmrf with chemical compounds

  • The structures of DMS, FLT, and SDNFMRFamide differ and each peptide is encoded by a different gene [15].
  • From the present study it appears as if neuropeptides related to substance P, FMRFamide and CCK have roles as neurotransmitters/neuromodulators and circulating neurohormones in Drosophila and Calliphora [11].
  • NSCs labeled by the expression of Drosophila insulin-like peptide (Dilp), FMRF, and myomodulin form part of the Dchx1 expressing PI domain [16].
  • We discuss evidence for a medulla site of action for a released FMRFamide-like peptide, either from: MeRF2 cells, acting directly on L1 and L2's medulla terminals; or MeRF1 cells, acting indirectly via medulla centrifugal cells C2 and C3 [17].

Regulatory relationships of Fmrf

  • Retrograde Gbb signaling through the Bmp type 2 receptor wishful thinking regulates systemic FMRFa expression in Drosophila [8].

Other interactions of Fmrf

  • Fmrf expression is controlled by a combinatorial code of intrinsic factors and an extrinsic BMP signal [18].
  • TPAEDFMRFamide and DMS each contains a RFamide C-terminus; however, their effects on crop contractions differ, which suggests that unique receptors or different ligand:receptor binding requirements exist for these structurally related peptides [19].
  • These data support the conclusion that the structure of the FMRFamide receptor and activity of the cardioexcitatory FMRFamide neuropeptide are conserved in mosquito [10].
  • Reconstituting this "code," by combined BMP activation and apterous/squeeze misexpression, triggers ectopic FMRFamide expression in peptidergic neurons [2].
  • The short NPF receptor was not activated by any of the other tested arthropod peptides, not even by FMRFamide-related peptides (also ending in RFamide), indicating that the Arg residue at position 4 from the amidated C-terminus appears to be crucial for the response elicited by the sNPFs [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fmrf


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