Gene Review:
sif - still life
Drosophila melanogaster
CG32414, CG34418, CG5256, CG5406, Dm_3L:26493, ...
- Still life, a protein in synaptic terminals of Drosophila homologous to GDP-GTP exchangers. Sone, M., Hoshino, M., Suzuki, E., Kuroda, S., Kaibuchi, K., Nakagoshi, H., Saigo, K., Nabeshima, Y., Hama, C. Science (1997)
- A novel Dbl family RhoGEF promotes Rho-dependent axon attraction to the central nervous system midline in Drosophila and overcomes Robo repulsion. Bashaw, G.J., Hu, H., Nobes, C.D., Goodman, C.S. J. Cell Biol. (2001)