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Gene Review

ATG14  -  Atg14p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: APG14, Autophagy-related protein 14, CVT12, Cytoplasm to vacuole targeting protein 12, YBR1003, ...
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High impact information on ATG14

  • Although Vps30p is known to interact with Apg14p, its precise role remains unclear [1].
  • The localization of these components to the PAS was Atg14p dependent but not dependent on Vps38p [2].
  • Atg14p is only integrated into complex I, likely facilitating the function of complex I in autophagy [2].
  • Conversely, localization of these proteins to endosomes required Vps38p but not Atg14p [2].
  • Atg14p localized to pre-autophagosomal structure (PAS) and vacuolar membranes, whereas Vps38p, a component specific to complex II, localized to endosomes and vacuolar membranes [2].

Biological context of ATG14


Physical interactions of ATG14

  • Apg14p was co-immunoprecipitated with Apg6p, suggesting that they form a stable protein complex [3].

Other interactions of ATG14

  • Subcellular fractionation indicated that Apg14p and Apg6p peripherally associated with a membrane structure(s) [3].
  • The expression of APG14 is dependent on Gln3p; deletion of Gln3p severely reduced its induction by rapamycin, whereas depletion of Ure2p caused its constitutive expression [4].


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