Gene Review:
TIP20 - Tip20p
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
Protein transport protein TIP20, TIP1, YGL145W
- The TIP1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes an 80 kDa cytoplasmic protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of Sec20p. Sweet, D.J., Pelham, H.R. EMBO J. (1993)
- Dsl1p, Tip20p, and the novel Dsl3(Sec39) protein are required for the stability of the Q/t-SNARE complex at the endoplasmic reticulum in yeast. Kraynack, B.A., Chan, A., Rosenthal, E., Essid, M., Umansky, B., Waters, M.G., Schmitt, H.D. Mol. Biol. Cell (2005)
- The Saccharomyces cerevisiae early secretion mutant tip20 is synthetic lethal with mutants in yeast coatomer and the SNARE proteins Sec22p and Ufe1p. Frigerio, G. Yeast (1998)
- The Sec20/Tip20p complex is involved in ER retrieval of dilysine-tagged proteins. Cosson, P., Schröder-Köhne, S., Sweet, D.S., Démollière, C., Hennecke, S., Frigerio, G., Letourneur, F. Eur. J. Cell Biol. (1997)
- Divergence of eukaryotic secretory components: the Candida albicans homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ++Sec20 protein is N terminally truncated, and its levels determine antifungal drug resistance and growth. Weber, Y., Santore, U.J., Ernst, J.F., Swoboda, R.K. J. Bacteriol. (2001)
- Tip20p prohibits back-fusion of COPII vesicles with the endoplasmic reticulum. Kamena, F., Spang, A. Science (2004)
- Dsl1p, an essential component of the Golgi-endoplasmic reticulum retrieval system in yeast, uses the same sequence motif to interact with different subunits of the COPI vesicle coat. Andag, U., Schmitt, H.D. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retrograde traffic in yeast requires Dsl1p, a component of the ER target site that interacts with a COPI coat subunit. Reilly, B.A., Kraynack, B.A., VanRheenen, S.M., Waters, M.G. Mol. Biol. Cell (2001)