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Gene Review

LCMVsLgp1  -  L protein

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus

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Disease relevance of LCMVsLgp1


High impact information on LCMVsLgp1

  • The strong dominant negative phenotype associated with many of the mutants examined and results from coimmunoprecipitation studies provided genetic and biochemical evidence, respectively, for the requirement of the L-L interaction for the polymerase activity of the LCMV L protein [2].
  • This protection was CD8+ lymphocyte mediated and associated with the generation of a novel (for H-2b mice) CTL response to the viral L protein [3].
  • Nucleotide sequencing studies have allowed the derivation of a partial amino acid sequence for a predicted L protein and antisera raised against synthetic peptides have demonstrated an L protein in Western blotting experiments [4].
  • Similar to the L RNA of LCMV ARM, the L RNA of WE is 7.2 kb long and contains two open reading frames (ORFs): the 5" ORF encodes a small RING finger (zinc-binding) protein, p11 Z, and the 3" ORF encodes the putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp or L protein) [5].


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