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Gene Review

NUP155  -  nucleoporin 155kDa

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 155 kDa nucleoporin, ATFB15, KIAA0791, N155, Nuclear pore complex protein Nup155, ...
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High impact information on NUP155

  • Among the N1 subcomponents, the posterior N150 could be accounted for by the same dipolar source as the early P1, while the anterior N155 was localized to a deep source in the parietal lobe [1].
  • FISH analysis with the human BAC clone as probe localized the human NUP155 gene to chromosome band 5p13 [2].
  • Core fucosylation was observed at one single glycopeptide only (peptide containing N155), triantennary glycan structures with two glycopeptides (containing N155 and N135) [3].
  • We observed that compounds 7-9 occupied an area close to D64 and Mg(2+) and surrounded by amino acid residues K159, K156, N155, E152, D116, H67, and T66 [4].
  • The mRNA export factor human Gle1 interacts with the nuclear pore complex protein Nup155 [5].

Anatomical context of NUP155

  • The mutual interaction between hGle1 and the symmetrically distributed nuclear pore protein Nup155 suggests a model in which hGle1's association with hNup155 may represent a step in the Gle1-mediated mRNA export pathway [5].


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  2. Localization of a human nucleoporin 155 gene (NUP155) to the 5p13 region and cloning of its cDNA. Zhang, X., Yang, H., Corydon, M.J., Zhang, X., Pedersen, S., Korenberg, J.R., Chen, X.N., Laporte, J., Gregersen, N., Niebuhr, E., Liu, G., Bolund, L. Genomics (1999) [Pubmed]
  3. On the variation of glycosylation in human plasma derived antithrombin. Demelbauer, U.M., Plematl, A., Josic, D., Allmaier, G., Rizzi, A. Journal of chromatography. A. (2005) [Pubmed]
  4. Synthesis of novel thiazolothiazepine based HIV-1 integrase inhibitors. Aiello, F., Brizzi, A., Garofalo, A., Grande, F., Ragno, G., Dayam, R., Neamati, N. Bioorg. Med. Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
  5. The mRNA export factor human Gle1 interacts with the nuclear pore complex protein Nup155. Rayala, H.J., Kendirgi, F., Barry, D.M., Majerus, P.W., Wente, S.R. Mol. Cell Proteomics (2004) [Pubmed]
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