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Point-of-Care Systems

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Disease relevance of Point-of-Care Systems

  • To provide utilization of cardiac markers around the clock and facilitate the diagnostic work-up of patients with acute chest pain in the emergency room, a point-of-care system for quantitative troponin T and myoglobin testing in whole blood samples was developed [1].

High impact information on Point-of-Care Systems

  • In response to this need, we have developed a rapid platelet-function assay (RPFA), a point-of-care system that provides a quantitative measure of the competence of the GP IIb/IIIa receptor as reflected in the ability of platelets to agglutinate fibrinogen-coated beads [2].
  • During the 2-year study period, the total number of glucose assays performed in the clinical laboratories decreased by 22.2% concurrent with initiation of bedside testing [3].
  • BACKGROUND: Cerebral oximetry is a noninvasive bedside technology using near-infrared light to monitor cerebral oxygen saturation (Sco2) in an uncertain mixture of arteries, capillaries, and veins [4].
  • To document behavioral effects of interferon (IFN) with daily consecutive assessments we developed an easily administered procedure for bedside testing [5].
  • If the cTnT, measured either by the point-of-care system or a conventional lab analyzer, was >0.05 microg/L, then the chance of a cardiac event during the follow-up period was doubled (18% vs. 9%) [6].

Gene context of Point-of-Care Systems


  1. Quantitative bedside testing of troponin T: is it equal to laboratory testing? The Cardiac Reader Troponin T (CARE T) study. Goldmann, B.U., Langenbrink, L., Matschuck, G., Heeschen, C., Kolbe-Busch, S., Niederau, C., Katz, N., Wenserit, C., Lestin, H.G., Brinker, K., Kuhrt, E., Tebbe, U., Spanuth, E., Hamm, C.W. Clin. Lab. (2004) [Pubmed]
  2. Rapid platelet-function assay: an automated and quantitative cartridge-based method. Smith, J.W., Steinhubl, S.R., Lincoff, A.M., Coleman, J.C., Lee, T.T., Hillman, R.S., Coller, B.S. Circulation (1999) [Pubmed]
  3. Implementation of capillary blood glucose monitoring in a teaching hospital and determination of program requirements to maintain quality testing. Lewandrowski, K., Cheek, R., Nathan, D.M., Godine, J.E., Hurxthal, K., Eschenbach, K., Laposata, M. Am. J. Med. (1992) [Pubmed]
  4. Arterial and venous contributions to near-infrared cerebral oximetry. Watzman, H.M., Kurth, C.D., Montenegro, L.M., Rome, J., Steven, J.M., Nicolson, S.C. Anesthesiology (2000) [Pubmed]
  5. Behavioral assessment of patients treated with alpha-interferon. Niiranen, A., Laaksonen, R., Iivanainen, M., Mattson, K., Färkkilä, M., Cantell, K. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. (1988) [Pubmed]
  6. Risk stratification of chest pain patients by point-of-care cardiac troponin T and myoglobin measured in the emergency department. Ordóñez-Llanos, J., Santaló-Bel, M., Mercé-Muntañola, J., Collinson, P.O., Gaze, D., Haass, M., Katus, H.A., Chwallek, F., Hirschl, M.M., Derhaschnig, U., Mueller-Bardorff, M., Kellett, J., Sylvén, C., Schulz, I., Zerback, R. Clin. Chim. Acta (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. Evaluation of a point-of-care system for quantitative determination of troponin T and myoglobin. Müller-Bardorff, M., Sylvén, C., Rasmanis, G., Jørgensen, B., Collinson, P.O., Waldenhofer, U., Hirschl, M.M., Laggner, A.N., Gerhardt, W., Hafner, G., Labaere, I., Leinberger, R., Zerback, R., Katus, H.A. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. (2000) [Pubmed]
  8. Point-of-care technology: the 'window' into the integrated clinical database, Part 9. Andrew, W.F. Computers in nursing. (1994) [Pubmed]
  9. POC checklist a 'road map' for bedside testing. Foubister, V. CAP today / College of American Pathologists. (2000) [Pubmed]
  10. Current nursing practice of point-of-care laboratory diagnostic testing in critical care units. Lamb, L.S., Parrish, R.S., Goran, S.F., Biel, M.H. Am. J. Crit. Care (1995) [Pubmed]
  11. HCA agreement gives it preferred prices on Baxter bedside computing systems. Gardner, E. Modern healthcare. (1992) [Pubmed]
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