MeSH Review:
Qualitative Research
- Using qualitative research to inform survey development on nicotine dependence among adolescents. Nichter, M., Nichter, M., Thompson, P.J., Shiffman, S., Moscicki, A.B. Drug and alcohol dependence. (2002)
- A systematic review of the contribution of qualitative research to the study of quality of life in children and adolescents with epilepsy. McEwan, M.J., Espie, C.A., Metcalfe, J. Seizure : the journal of the British Epilepsy Association. (2004)
- A study of factors associated with cost and variation in prescribing among GPs. Carthy, P., Harvey, I., Brawn, R., Watkins, C. Family practice. (2000)
- Qualitative research and Alzheimer disease. Rempusheski, V.F. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. (1999)
- Families: accounts of the causal processes in food choice. Stratton, P., Bromley, K. Appetite. (1999)
- The diagnosis and management of fever at household level in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana. Agyepong, I.A., Manderson, L. Acta Trop. (1994)
- A pilot study exploring electronic (or e-mail) mail in users with acquired cognitive-linguistic impairments. Sohlberg, M.M., Ehlhardt, L.A., Fickas, S., Sutcliffe, A. Brain injury : [BI]. (2003)
- Qualitative assessment of local distribution of screen for life mass media materials in Appalachia. Vanderpool, R.C., Coyne, C.A. Preventing chronic disease [electronic resource]. (2006)
- Normal drug use: ethnographic fieldwork among an adult network of recreational drug users in inner London. Pearson, G. Substance use & misuse. (2001)
- Qualitative research considerations and other issues in the study of methamphetamine use among men who have sex with other men. Gorman, E.M., Morgan, P., Lambert, E.Y. NIDA Res. Monogr. (1995)
- The use of qualitative methods in the study of wellness in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Kendall, J. Journal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing : official publication of the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nurses, Inc. (1997)
- Basics of research (Part 12): Qualitative research. Thompson, C.B., Walker, B.L. Air Med. J. (1998)
- Exploratory factor analysis of the Research and Development Culture Index among qualified nurses. Watson, B., Clarke, C., Swallow, V., Forster, S. Journal of clinical nursing. (2005)
- Dentists' perceptions of HIV/AIDS as an occupational hazard: a qualitative investigation. Watt, R.G., Croucher, R. International dental journal. (1991)
- Research into the use of health economics in decision making in the United Kingdom--Phase II. Is health economics 'for good or evil'? Duthie, T., Trueman, P., Chancellor, J., Diez, L. Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (1999)
- The meaning of activity: day care for persons with Alzheimer disease. Hasselkus, B.R. The American journal of occupational therapy. : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association. (1992)