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Chemical Compound Review

Deoxyephedrine     N-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2- amine

Synonyms: Anadrex, Pervertin, MAMP, SureCN42178, AGN-PC-00BOMN, ...
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Disease relevance of Methamphetamine hydrochloride


Psychiatry related information on Methamphetamine hydrochloride


High impact information on Methamphetamine hydrochloride


Chemical compound and disease context of Methamphetamine hydrochloride


Biological context of Methamphetamine hydrochloride


Anatomical context of Methamphetamine hydrochloride


Associations of Methamphetamine hydrochloride with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Methamphetamine hydrochloride


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Methamphetamine hydrochloride

  • PARTICIPANTS AND DESIGN: Treatment-seeking methamphetamine-dependent males (N = 46) underwent fMRI 3 to 4 weeks after cessation of drug use [6].
  • DESIGN: To assess regional specific metabolite levels using magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging techniques in 2 groups of currently abstinent methamphetamine users: methamphetamine users who recently initiated abstinence and methamphetamine users who had initiated abstinence more than 1 year prior to study [33].
  • To understand the mechanism of methamphetamine (MAP) craving from the viewpoint of nicotinic acetylcholinergic transmission, we examined the responsible site of the brain for anticraving effects produced by nicotinic agonists by using a MAP self-administration paradigm in rats [34].
  • The grafting of undifferentiated and differentiated 1RB3AN27 cells or differentiated murine neuroblastoma (NBP2) cells into striata of 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats (an animal model of PD) caused a time-dependent improvement in neurological deficits (reduction in the methamphetamine-induced turning rate) [35].
  • Furthermore, as shown by striatal microdialysis, animals treated with methamphetamine at 5 degreesC showed DA release identical to that of animals treated at room temperature [23].


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