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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Similarities and differences in smooth muscle alpha-actin induction by TGF-beta in smooth muscle versus non-smooth muscle cells.

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) has been shown to stimulate smooth muscle (SM) alpha-actin expression in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and non-SMCs. We previously demonstrated that the 2 CArG boxes A and B and a novel TGF-beta control element (TCE) located within the first 125 bp of the SM alpha-actin promoter were required for TGF-beta inducibility of SM alpha-actin in SMCs. The aims of the present study were (1) to determine whether the TCE exhibits SMC specificity or contributes to TGF-beta induction of SM alpha-actin expression in non-SMCs (ie, endothelial cells and fibroblasts) and (2) to determine whether TGF-beta can induce expression of multiple TCE-containing SMC differentiation marker genes, such as SM22alpha, h(1) calponin, and SM myosin heavy chain (SM MHC) in non-SMCs. Results of transient transfection assays demonstrated that mutation of CArG A, CArG B, or the TCE within a 125-bp promoter context completely abolished TGF-beta inducibility of SM alpha-actin in endothelial cells and fibroblasts. However, in contrast to observations in SMCs, inclusion of regions upstream from (-155) completely repressed TGF-beta responsiveness in non-SMCs. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that TGF-beta enhanced binding of a serum response factor to the CArG elements and the binding of an as-yet-unidentified factor to the TCE in endothelial cells and fibroblasts, but to a much lesser extent compared with SMCs. TGF-beta also stimulated expression of the SMC differentiation marker SM22alpha in non-SMCs. However, in contrast to SMCs, TGF-beta did not induce expression of h(1) calponin and SM MHC in non-SMCs. In summary, these results suggest a conserved role for CArG A, CArG B, and the TCE in TGF-beta- induced expression of SM alpha-actin in SMCs and non-SMCs that is modified by a complex interplay of positive- and negative-acting cis elements in a cell-specific manner. Furthermore, observations that TGF-beta stimulated expression of several early but not late differentiation markers in non-SMCs indicate that TGF-beta alone is not sufficient to induce transdifferentiation of non-SMCs into SMCs.[1]


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