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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Elevated serum progesterone level on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin administration does not adversely affect implantation rates after intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryo transfer.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between serum P levels on the day of hCG administration and the outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). DESIGN: Retrospective case study. SETTING: Assisted reproduction unit of a tertiary care private hospital. PATIENT(S): Nine hundred eleven ICSI cycles that proceeded to ET were studied. INTERVENTION(S): The decision to administer hCG was based on serum E2 levels and follicle size. Serum P was measured from frozen sera obtained on the day of hCG administration. Cycles were stratified according to serum P levels of <0.9 ng/mL (n = 298) or > or =0.9 ng/mL (n = 613). This cutoff level was selected because it yielded the highest sensitivity and specificity according to a receiver operator characteristic curve. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Implantation and clinical pregnancy rates. RESULT(S): In cycles with high serum P levels, more oocytes were retrieved and more embryos were available for transfer. Clinical pregnancy rates per ET in the low and high P groups were 36.9% and 45.4%, respectively (P<.05). The implantation rate per embryo was similar in the two groups (14.9% and 16.4%, respectively, in cycles with P levels <0.9 vs > or =0.9 ng/mL). Abortion rates were 22.7 and 25.8%, respectively (P>.05). CONCLUSION(S): Our data showed no adverse effect of high serum P levels on the day of hCG administration on implantation rates after ICSI and ET.[1]


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