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Abortion, Induced

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Disease relevance of Abortion, Induced


High impact information on Abortion, Induced

  • To identify these risks, we analyzed information from two separate sets of data collected by the Centers for Disease Control: that of the Joint Program for the Study of Abortion, a multicenter prospective study of nearly 165,000 legally induced abortions; and that of a national surveillance of abortion-related mortality [6].
  • Cervical pre-dilation with misoprostol may be considered in all women having surgically induced abortions [7].
  • Letter: Alpha-fetoprotein during mid-trimester induced abortion [8].
  • Longer term inhalation, as in addicts, produces a syndrome similar to that due to B12 neuropathy, and long term exposure to low concentrations results in an increased abortion rate and neuropathy, particularly in dental personnel [9].
  • Finally, GnRH analog suppression in PCOS permitted normalization of the follicular phase endocrine pattern, achievement of good ovulatory (76%) and pregnancy (28%) rates, and avoidance of multiple pregnancies; however, luteal phase steroid secretion was abnormal, and the abortion rate remained elevated (43%) [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Abortion, Induced


Biological context of Abortion, Induced


Anatomical context of Abortion, Induced


Associations of Abortion, Induced with chemical compounds


Gene context of Abortion, Induced


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Abortion, Induced


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