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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Repression of Wnt-5a impairs DDR1 phosphorylation and modifies adhesion and migration of mammary cells.

The Wnt-5a gene encodes a secreted protein that controls several normal processes during embryogenesis and development of adult tissues by as yet unknown mechanisms. Endogenous expression of Wnt-5a mRNA is known to occur in both mouse and human mammary cell lines. To investigate the biological role of Wnt-5a in the human mammary epithelial cell line HB2, we used an antisense approach to repress endogenous expression of Wnt-5a protein. We also generated a cell population that constitutively overexpresses this protein. We found that overexpression of Wnt-5a protein enhanced cell-to-collagen binding and abolished hepatocyte growth factor- stimulated migration of HB2 transfectants through collagen matrices. Conversely, repression of Wnt-5a protein led to cell scattering, impaired cell-collagen interaction and enhanced cell motility. As we were searching for modified collagen receptors in antisense cells, we discovered that the collagen-binding discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) failed to undergo phosphorylation. In reciprocal experiments, phosphorylation of DDR1 was consistently enabled by expression of Wnt-5a-HA protein in non-Wnt-5a-producing MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin signalling pathway did not influence or mimic the Wnt-5a- mediated effect on DDR1 phosphorylation. These data demonstrate that Wnt-5a protein participates in regulation of adhesion to and migration through collagen and is also a co-factor necessary for collagen- induced activation of DDR1 receptors in mammary epithelial cells.[1]


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