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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Lack of CD27-CD45RA-V gamma 9V delta 2+ T cell effectors in immunocompromised hosts and during active pulmonary tuberculosis.

In humans, the circulating pool of mycobacteria-reactive Vgamma9Vdelta2+ T cells is expanded with age and may contribute to Mycobacterium tuberculosis immunosurveillance. We observed that two subsets of Vgamma9Vdelta2+ T cells could be identified on the basis of CD27 expression in immunocompetent adults, showing that functionally differentiated gammadelta T cells have lost CD27 expression. In contrast, the CD27-CD45RA-Vgamma9Vdelta2+ T cell subset of effector cells was absent in cord blood cells from healthy newborns and lacking in the peripheral blood from HIV-infected patients. Moreover, circulating Vgamma9Vdelta2+ T cell effectors were significantly reduced in patients with acute pulmonary tuberculosis, resulting in a reduced frequency of IFN-gamma-producing cells after stimulation with nonpeptidic mycobacterial ligands. These observations indicate that monitoring and boosting gammadelta T cell effectors could be clinically relevant both in immunocompromised hosts and during active tuberculosis disease.[1]


  1. Lack of CD27-CD45RA-V gamma 9V delta 2+ T cell effectors in immunocompromised hosts and during active pulmonary tuberculosis. Gioia, C., Agrati, C., Casetti, R., Cairo, C., Borsellino, G., Battistini, L., Mancino, G., Goletti, D., Colizzi, V., Pucillo, L.P., Poccia, F. J. Immunol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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