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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

FGF10 maintains stem cell population during mouse incisor development.

Mouse incisors have a cervical loop that gives rise to dental epithelium in the apical region of the tooth germ, in contrast to molars. In a study of formation of the stem-cell compartment, we focused on expression patterns of fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) 10 and Fgf3 in developing mice incisors. At E14, Fgf10 and Fgf3 were coexpressed in the dental papilla. After E16 mesenchymal cells underlying cervical loop expressed Fgf10 but not Fgf3. To illustrate the role of FGF10, we analyzed incisor development of Fgf10-deficient mice. The germs of FGF10-null mice proceeded to cap stage normally. However, at a later stage, the cervical loop was not formed. Functional disorder of FGF10 by a neutralizing anti-FGF10 antibody induced apoptosis in the cervical loop of incisor explants. Recombinant FGF10 rescued the cervical loop from apoptosis. These results show that FGF10 maintains the stem-cell compartment in the developing incisor tooth germ.[1]


  1. FGF10 maintains stem cell population during mouse incisor development. Harada, H., Toyono, T., Toyoshima, K., Ohuchi, H. Connect. Tissue Res. (2002) [Pubmed]
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