MeSH Review:
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- Dynamic expression pattern of the myc protooncogene in midgestation mouse embryos. Schmid, P., Schulz, W.A., Hameister, H. Science (1989)
- Activin is an essential early mesenchymal signal in tooth development that is required for patterning of the murine dentition. Ferguson, C.A., Tucker, A.S., Christensen, L., Lau, A.L., Matzuk, M.M., Sharpe, P.T. Genes Dev. (1998)
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- Reduction of Pax9 gene dosage in an allelic series of mouse mutants causes hypodontia and oligodontia. Kist, R., Watson, M., Wang, X., Cairns, P., Miles, C., Reid, D.J., Peters, H. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2005)
- Essential role for NFI-C/CTF transcription-replication factor in tooth root development. Steele-Perkins, G., Butz, K.G., Lyons, G.E., Zeichner-David, M., Kim, H.J., Cho, M.I., Gronostajski, R.M. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2003)
- Exposure to low levels of fluoride and dental caries in deciduous molars of Tanzanian children. Frencken, J.E., König, K.G., Mulder, J., Truin, G.J. Caries Res. (1992)
- Prevalence of aggressive periodontitis in school attendees in Uganda. Albandar, J.M., Muranga, M.B., Rams, T.E. Journal of clinical periodontology. (2002)
- Dental caries and mutans streptococci in the proximal areas of molars affected by the habitual use of xylitol chewing gum. Isokangas, P., Tenovuo, J., Söderling, E., Männistö, H., Mäkinen, K.K. Caries Res. (1991)
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- Hepatocyte growth factor is involved in the morphogenesis of tooth germ in murine molars. Tabata, M.J., Kim, K., Liu, J.G., Yamashita, K., Matsumura, T., Kato, J., Iwamoto, M., Wakisaka, S., Matsumoto, K., Nakamura, T., Kumegawa, M., Kurisu, K. Development (1996)
- The role of effectors of the activin signalling pathway, activin receptors IIA and IIB, and Smad2, in patterning of tooth development. Ferguson, C.A., Tucker, A.S., Heikinheimo, K., Nomura, M., Oh, P., Li, E., Sharpe, P.T. Development (2001)
- Parotid gland function and dentin apposition in rat molars. Leonora, J., Tjäderhane, L., Tieche, J.M. J. Dent. Res. (2002)
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- An epistatic genetic basis for fluctuating asymmetry of tooth size and shape in mice. Leamy, L.J., Workman, M.S., Routman, E.J., Cheverud, J.M. Heredity (2005)
- Ectodysplasin-A1 is sufficient to rescue both hair growth and sweat glands in Tabby mice. Srivastava, A.K., Durmowicz, M.C., Hartung, A.J., Hudson, J., Ouzts, L.V., Donovan, D.M., Cui, C.Y., Schlessinger, D. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2001)
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- Innervation of human tooth pulp in relation to caries and dentition type. Rodd, H.D., Boissonade, F.M. J. Dent. Res. (2001)
- Cessation of Fgf10 signaling, resulting in a defective dental epithelial stem cell compartment, leads to the transition from crown to root formation. Yokohama-Tamaki, T., Ohshima, H., Fujiwara, N., Takada, Y., Ichimori, Y., Wakisaka, S., Ohuchi, H., Harada, H. Development (2006)
- Gene expression patterns of murine dentin matrix protein 1 (Dmp1) and dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) suggest distinct developmental functions in vivo. D'Souza, R.N., Cavender, A., Sunavala, G., Alvarez, J., Ohshima, T., Kulkarni, A.B., MacDougall, M. J. Bone Miner. Res. (1997)
- Runx2 mediates FGF signaling from epithelium to mesenchyme during tooth morphogenesis. Aberg, T., Wang, X.P., Kim, J.H., Yamashiro, T., Bei, M., Rice, R., Ryoo, H.M., Thesleff, I. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- Role of the Dlx homeobox genes in proximodistal patterning of the branchial arches: mutations of Dlx-1, Dlx-2, and Dlx-1 and -2 alter morphogenesis of proximal skeletal and soft tissue structures derived from the first and second arches. Qiu, M., Bulfone, A., Ghattas, I., Meneses, J.J., Christensen, L., Sharpe, P.T., Presley, R., Pedersen, R.A., Rubenstein, J.L. Dev. Biol. (1997)
- Characteristics of an in vitro dental pellicle. Stiefel, D.J. J. Dent. Res. (1976)
- Protective effects of mercaptoethylguanidine, a selective inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide synthase, in ligature-induced periodontitis in the rat. Lohinai, Z., Benedek, P., Fehér, E., Györfi, A., Rosivall, L., Fazekas, A., Salzman, A.L., Szabó, C. Br. J. Pharmacol. (1998)
- GFAP immunoreactivity in trigeminal ganglion satellite cells after tooth injury in rats. Stephenson, J.L., Byers, M.R. Exp. Neurol. (1995)
- Wear of composite resin restorations in primary versus permanent molar teeth. Wendell, J.J., Vann, W.F. J. Dent. Res. (1988)
- Alterations in ultrastructural localization of growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43) in periodontal Ruffini endings of rat molars during experimental tooth movement. Kobayashi, H., Ochi, K., Saito, I., Hanada, K., Maeda, T. J. Dent. Res. (1998)