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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Optical sensor for amine vapors based on dimer-monomer equilibrium of indium(III) octaethylporphyrin in a polymeric film.

A novel transduction chemistry for the development of a polymer film-based optical sensor that responds reversibly to gas-phase amine species at sub-ppm levels is described. The sensor is based on the equilibrium of a indium(III) octaethylporphyrin hydroxide ion-bridged dimer species with corresponding monomeric porphyrins within a thin poly(vinyl chloride) film as a function of the level of volatile amine in the surrounding gas phase. The presence of amines causes the dimeric species to be converted to monomer via the ligation of the amine with the In(III) center of the porphyrin structure. This yields a significant change in the visible absorption spectrum of the film, with a decrease in the intensity of the Soret band corresponding to the dimer (lambdamax = 390 nm) and a concomitant increase in the Soret band for the monomer lambdamax = 406-408 nm). Response to different amines is based on their relative partition coefficient into the polymer film and their strength of axial ligation reactions, with a selectivity pattern of 1-butylamine > 1-propylamine > pyridine > triethylamine > ethylamine > methylamine > diethylamine > tert-butylamine > ammonia. It is further shown that a significant concentration of dimeric species within the polymer film can only be achieved if appropriate amounts of lipophilic anionic sites are also incorporated into the polymer in the form of a tetraphenylborate derivative and the resulting film is equilibrated briefly with water prior to gas-phase measurements. With optimized film compositions, 1-butylamine can be detected in the gas phase to levels approaching 0.1 ppm, while less lipophilic ammonia can be monitored down to 10 ppm, with fully reversible responses to each species. A simple mathematical model for the response of the amine sensor is presented and shown to predict the optical behavior observed.[1]


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