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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Modulation of colonic epithelial cell proliferation, histone acetylation, and luminal short chain fatty acids by variation of dietary fiber (wheat bran) in rats.

The effect of increasing amounts of wheat bran (0, 5, 10, 20%) in AIN-76 semisynthetic diet on colonic luminal short chain fatty acids, epithelial cell histone acetylation, and cytokinetics, was studied for 2 weeks in groups of 10 male Sprague-Dawley rats. Luminal contents were removed from the colon at sacrifice, quick frozen, and analyzed for short chain fatty acids by gas-liquid chromatography. Histone acetylation was assessed in cells isolated from the same animals. Cell proliferation was measured after a short pulse in vivo with [3H]thymidine. Colonic luminal butyrate levels were lower in the 0 and 20% fiber groups, and higher in the 5 and 10% fiber groups. In contrast, cell proliferation, as determined by labeling index, was higher in the 0 and 20% fiber groups, and lower in the 5 and 10% fiber groups. This resulted in a significant inverse correlation between luminal butyrate levels and colonic cell proliferation. In addition, there was a positive linear correlation between luminal butyric acid levels and colon epithelial cell histone acetylation. From these data it was concluded that colonic butyrate levels can be modulated by the addition of wheat bran to the diet and that butyrate can modulate DNA synthesis (calculated as labeling index) in the proliferative compartments of colonic crypts. The localization of dividing cells was unchanged and no induction of terminal differentiation was detectable (contrary to what has been observed for transformed cells in culture).[1]


  1. Modulation of colonic epithelial cell proliferation, histone acetylation, and luminal short chain fatty acids by variation of dietary fiber (wheat bran) in rats. Boffa, L.C., Lupton, J.R., Mariani, M.R., Ceppi, M., Newmark, H.L., Scalmati, A., Lipkin, M. Cancer Res. (1992) [Pubmed]
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