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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A 28-day feeding study with methyl isoeugenol in rats.

Methyl isoeugenol was administered in rodent diet for a minimum of 28 consecutive days to groups of 16 male and 16 female rats (Sprague-Dawley strain) at levels of approximately 30, 100 and 300 mg/kg body weight/day. A further group of 16 male and 16 female rats was given the rodent diet as a control. The administration of methyl isoeugenol in the diet did not adversely affect the growth or general health of the animals or their food intakes. Although high dose animals of both sexes had increased lymphocyte and total white blood cell counts, these are not considered, in isolation, to be an adverse effect of treatment. None of the minor variations observed in the serum chemical analyses or urine analyses is considered to be indicative of a treatment-related toxic effect. An increase in liver weight, adjusted for body weight, was seen in male and female rats receiving 300 mg methyl isoeugenol/kg body weight. Few histopathological abnormalities were observed. Although the incidence of kidney and Harderian gland lesions was higher for high dose animals compared with the controls, the lesions are of a type that occurs spontaneously and are thus not considered to be attributable to treatment with methyl isoeugenol. While the increased liver weight and white blood cell counts of rats given 300 mg methyl isoeugenol/kg body weight may represent effects of treatment, it is not considered that there is any reason to regard these as adverse effects.[1]


  1. A 28-day feeding study with methyl isoeugenol in rats. Purchase, R., Ford, G.P., Creasy, D.M., Brantom, P.G., Gangolli, S.D. Food Chem. Toxicol. (1992) [Pubmed]
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