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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Aquaporin homologues in plants and mammals transport ammonia.

Using functional complementation and a yeast mutant deficient in ammonium (NH4+) transport (Deltamep1-3), three wheat (Triticum aestivum) TIP2 aquaporin homologues were isolated that restored the ability of the mutant to grow when 2 mM NH4+ was supplied as the sole nitrogen source. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, TaTIP2;1 increased the uptake of NH4+ analogues methylammonium and formamide. Furthermore, expression of TaTIP2;1 increased acidification of the oocyte-bathing medium containing NH4+ in accordance with NH3 diffusion through the aquaporin. Homology modeling of TaTIP2;1 in combination with site directed mutagenesis suggested a new subgroup of NH3-transporting aquaporins here called aquaammoniaporins. Mammalian AQP8 sharing the aquaammoniaporin signature also complemented NH4+ transport deficiency in yeast.[1]


  1. Aquaporin homologues in plants and mammals transport ammonia. Jahn, T.P., Møller, A.L., Zeuthen, T., Holm, L.M., Klaerke, D.A., Mohsin, B., Kühlbrandt, W., Schjoerring, J.K. FEBS Lett. (2004) [Pubmed]
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