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Chemical Compound Review

azaniumyl     nitrogen(+1) trihydride cation

Synonyms: ammoniumyl, CHEBI:29421, NH3(+), (NH3)(.+), trihydridonitrogen(.1+)
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Disease relevance of ammoniumyl

  • These observations demonstrated that metabolic acidosis in vivo stimulated total NH3 production in isolated mouse proximal tubule segments and that low peritubular pH and HCO-3 stimulated total NH3 production by proximal tubule segments from nonacidotic mice in vitro [1].
  • The decrease in collecting duct ammonium secretion in hyperkalemia was associated with a decrease in the NH3 concentration difference between vasa recta and collecting duct [2].
  • Crystal structure of NH3-dependent NAD+ synthetase from Bacillus subtilis [3].
  • The reaction between a5RuH2O2+ (a is NH3) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin at pH 7, followed by oxidation, yields a5Ru(His-83)3+-azurin(Cu2+) as the major product [4].
  • Streptococcus lactis metabolizes arginine via the arginine deiminase pathway to ornithine, CO2, NH3, and ATP [5].

Psychiatry related information on ammoniumyl


High impact information on ammoniumyl

  • Consequently, the distribution of NH+4 in biological systems is generally believed to be due to the rapid diffusion and equilibration of lipophilic NH3 across cell membranes and the accumulation of NH+4 to be governed by pH differences between compartments [7].
  • We had already shown that synthetic peptides corresponding to the NH3-terminal region of the glycoprotein D (gD) molecule of HSV could induce a strong T cell response when injected into mice, but did not, by themselves, confer protection [8].
  • The fall in the NH3 concentration difference across the collecting duct in high-K+ rats was due entirely to a decrease in [NH3] in the medullary interstitial fluid, with no change in [NH3] in the collecting duct [2].
  • In the presence of 4 mM adenosine, NH3 production per erythrocyte (RBC) was equal to that per neutrophil (PMN) (3.3 X 10(-15) mol/cell per h) [9].
  • Similarly, the concentration gradient favoring transfer of NH3 between loop of Henle and CD was reduced in SAD [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of ammoniumyl

  • We examined the effects of metabolic acidosis in vivo and reduced bath and luminal pH in vitro on total NH3 (NH3 + NH+4) production rates by isolated mouse proximal tubule segments [1].
  • It is not surprising that a compound with such unique properties as NH3/NH4+, should have a large variety of biochemical and neurological effects and to find itself implicated in many pathological conditions [11].
  • These data demonstrate that this enzyme from E. coli is not strictly a XMP aminase but is, in fact, an amidotransferase capable of utilizing either glutamine or NH3 as a substrate [12].
  • Glutamate synthase from Escherichia coli K-12 exhibits NH3-dependent activity [13].
  • Cerebral blood flow (CBF), measured by the noninvasive xenon-133 inhalation method, EEG, and plasma levels of ammonia (NH3) and free tryptophan were determined in 18 hospitalized cirrhotic patients affected with subclinical hepatic encephalopathy, as diagnosed by the Kurtz test [14].

Biological context of ammoniumyl

  • This results in the formation of NH3, which then neutralizes the bacterial periplasm to provide a pH of approximately 6.2 and an inner membrane potential of -101 mV, giving a proton motive force of approximately -200 mV [15].
  • Similarly, all analogs of CA(1-7)M(2-9)-NH2 were active against four strains, while two strains were resistant to the retro and retroenantio analogs containing free NH3+ end groups, but acetylation restored activity against one of them [16].
  • Several potential intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the charged NH3 groups of tobramycin and acceptor atoms on base pair edges and backbone phosphates anchor the aminoglycoside antibiotic within its sequence/structure specific RNA binding pocket [17].
  • Urea cycle enzymes and glutamine synthetase are essential for NH3 detoxification and systemic pH homeostasis in mammals [18].
  • The NH3-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified antigen was determined [19].

Anatomical context of ammoniumyl


Associations of ammoniumyl with other chemical compounds

  • Reducing the HCO3- concentration of the bath buffer to 10 mM while maintaining a pH of 7.4 had no significant effect on total NH3 production by tubules from nonacidotic mice [1].
  • In addition, increasing the perfusion flow rate at a constant perfusion pressure increased the rate of luminal output of NH3 [24].
  • Addition of 5 mmol/L urea to weak buffer at pH 3.0 or 3.5 prevented irreversible collapse of PD by elevation of pHout caused by NH3 production [25].
  • An apical permeability barrier to NH3/NH4+ in isolated, perfused colonic crypts [26].
  • Here we present three crystal structures of nitrophorin 1 (NP1): bound to cyanide, which binds in a manner similar to NO (2.3 A resolution); bound to histamine (2.0 A resolution); and bound to what appears to be NH3 from the crystallization solution (2.0 A resolution) [27].

Gene context of ammoniumyl


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ammoniumyl

  • The increased rate of NH3 production with perfusion seems not to depend upon normal rates of sodium reabsorption [24].
  • The three-dimensional structure of NH3-dependent NAD+ synthetase from Bacillus subtilis, in its free form and in complex with ATP, has been solved by X-ray crystallography (at 2.6 and 2.0 angstroms resolution, respectively) using a combination of multiple isomorphous replacement and density modification techniques [3].
  • Some of the chemical properties of oligonucleotides containing these bases (reactivity towards NH3) as well as their physical properties (melting temperatures, U.V., fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra) have been determined and are discussed [33].
  • The protected nonapeptide Z-penicillamine(Bzl)-Tyr-Ile-Leu-Asn-Cys(Bzl)-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 was treated with Na in NH3 and the resulting disulfhydryl compound was subjected to oxidative cyclization in H2O-CH3OH with ICH2CH2I, Purification of 2 was effected by partition chromatography and gel filtration [34].
  • The specific activities (nmol of product produced/min per mg of protein) determined from activity titration curves were: under N2, NH3 formation 110, with concomitant H2 evolution of 220; under argon, H2 evolution 350; under 10% acetylene (C2H2) in argon, ethylene (C2H4) 58, ethane (C2H6) 26, and concomitant H2 evolution 226 [35].


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