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Beta-actin in human colon adenocarcinoma cell lines with different metastatic potential.

Human colon adenocarcinoma LS180 parental cell line and selected variants, characterized by different metastatic capacity were used to examine, whether a correlation exists between beta-actin expression, its subcellular distribution and metastatic potential of these cells. Cytosolic fraction (supernatant 105000 x g), isolated from the tumor cells was used as a source for actin quantification. The higher level of beta-actin was observed in the cytosol of three selected sublines to compare with LS180 parental line. Statistically significant increase of beta-actin level in highly motile EB3 cells variant should be underlined to compare with the other sublines. Distinct differences in the phenotype of adenocarcinoma cell variants were found, such as the changes in cells shape, cells spreading and ability to attach to the surface of culture dish. Actin cytoskeleton was visualized with fluorescence microscopy application and microfilaments rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin staining. beta-actin subcellular localization was done by immunofluorescence staining with monoclonal anti-beta actin antibodies. In the elongated cells (LS180, 3LNLN), this isoactin is dispersed in the whole cell body and concentrates in pseudopods and at the leading edges, when in the rounded variant ( EB3) beta-actin dominates mainly in cortical ring under cellular membrane and it is also seen in the subtle protrusions. Summary of our former (Nowak et al., 2002, Acta Biochim. Polon., 49: 823) and current data lead to the conclusion that there is a distinct correlation between metastatic capacity of examined human colon adenocarcinoma cells, the state of actin polymerization, actin cytoskeleton organization and beta-actin expression.[1]


  1. Beta-actin in human colon adenocarcinoma cell lines with different metastatic potential. Nowak, D., Skwarek-Maruszewska, A., Zemanek-Zboch, M., Malicka-Błaszkiewicz, M. Acta Biochim. Pol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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