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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Booster immunization of antigen primed mice with anti-idiotypic T cells generates antigen-specific memory T cell response.

Immunological memory is characterized by quick and enhanced immune response after re-exposure to the same antigen. In the present work, we have shown that anti-idiotypic T cells are generated in mice after immunization with idiotypic T cell clone or polyclonal T cell specific for nucleocapsid protein of Rinderpest virus. Further, we have shown that N specific idiotypic T cell receptors from apoptotic idiotypic T cells are processed by bone marrow derived dendritic cells and presented to cognate anti-idiotypic T cells. Evidence has been provided for the existence of antigen specific T cell idiotypic network in the body. Boosting with antigen specific anti-idiotypic T cells generates memory response in the antigen-primed mice.[1]


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