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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Computerized axial tomography in syringomyelia.

The ACTA-scanner, a device for computerized axial tomography, permits cross-sectional radiographic study of the entire human body, including the spine. In the ACTA-scan, the spinal cord appears as a roundish formation surrounded by the less dense subarachnoidal cerebrospinal fluid. The spines of 18 patients with verified (nine cases) or suspected (nine cases) syringomyelia were studied by ACTA-scanning. In seven of the verified and in four of the nonverified cases, some evidence of cord cavitation was shown. The cystic part of a cervical-cord ependymoma was also demonstrated. ACTA-scanning is an easily performed, noninvasive, innocuous procedure. This technic, which complements other radiographic methods of evaluating the spinal cord, is particularly suitable for screening and follow-up study of patients with syringomyelia. The easily accomplished recognition of a possible associated hydrocephalus is an added advantage of ACTA-scanning.[1]


  1. Computerized axial tomography in syringomyelia. DiChiro, G., Axelbaum, S.P., Schellinger, D., Twigg, H.L., Ledley, R.S. N. Engl. J. Med. (1975) [Pubmed]
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