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Disease relevance of Ependymoma


Psychiatry related information on Ependymoma


High impact information on Ependymoma

  • Half of the choroid plexus tumors and most of the ependymomas that we studied contained and expressed a segment of T-antigen gene related to SV40 [7].
  • Ependymoma carries a poor prognosis, and of the 4 late survivors, the 2 who received GH relapsed [8].
  • Identification of a germ-line mutation in the p53 gene in a patient with an intracranial ependymoma [9].
  • H&E stained sections revealed an ectopic ependymoma that was strongly positive for GFAP [10].
  • Reduced or absent tuberin was observed in 2 of 6 (33%) ependymomas analyzed [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Ependymoma


Biological context of Ependymoma


Anatomical context of Ependymoma

  • Such transgenic mice and derived cell lines may represent valid models for analysing (1) the role of SV40 T antigen in ependymoma formation and (2) CFTR function in ependymal cells [20].
  • C pneumoniae DNA was searched in 15 surgically clipped and removed aneurysmal sac tissue and in two tumour (an ependymoma of the fourth ventricle and a craniofaringoma) samples by touchdown enzyme time release PCR (TETR PCR) targeting 16S rRNA gene and by nested PCR targeting ompA gene [21].
  • Although the luminal surface of the ependymal cells of the human ventricular system is characterized by the presence of cilia with a typical 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules, cilia are usually described as sparse or absent in ependymal cells of ependymomas [22].
  • The PDGF A-chain was expressed in all of the tumors, with the exception of the malignant ependymoma and in both nontumor glial cell cultures [23].
  • Finally, ligand blotting and chemical-linking experiments revealed the presence of a approximately 100 kDa putative TTR receptor on the ependymoma cell membrane [24].

Gene context of Ependymoma

  • In contrast, none of the eight ependymomas contained keratin, but all were strongly positive for GFAP [25].
  • Functional assessment of ERBB-dependent cell signaling and proliferation, in addition to novel therapeutic inhibition of these processes, was conducted using short-term cultures of human ependymoma cells [18].
  • We investigated the amplification and overexpression of mdm2 gene, whose product (MDM2) is considered to be one of the major cellular regulators of p53-mediated growth control, in 26 specimens of ependymomas obtained from 20 patients [26].
  • Results showed that VEGF was moderately to strongly expressed in 8 of 10 ependymomas and in all anaplastic oligodendrogliomas and glioblastoma multiforme cases [27].
  • p14ARF protein (FL-132) immunoreactivity in intracranial ependymomas and its prognostic significance: an analysis of 103 cases [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ependymoma


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