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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Acupuncture regulates the aging-related changes in gene profile expression of the hippocampus in senescence-accelerated mouse (SAMP10).

To examine molecular events in hippocampus associated with aging and acupuncture effect, we employed cDNA arrays providing data of 588 genes to define transcriptional patterns. Male 8-month-old SAMP10 and its homologous SAMRl were selected and randomly divided into four groups: R1 control group ( Rc), P10 control group (Pc), P10 acupuncture group (Pa) and P10 non-acupoint group (Pn). The points consisted Shanzhong (CV17), Zhongwan (CV12), Qihai (CV6), Zusanli (ST36) and Xuehai (SP10). In Pa, we found that points stimuli could completely or partly reverse some genes expression profiles in hippocampus with aging. Simultaneously, some genes not related with brain aging were affected by acupuncture as well. Meanwhile, non-acupoint had some effect on aging-unrelated genes expression and little or negative effect on aging-related genes. We verified array results with RT-PCR and Northern blotting for three genes which are related to oxidative damage closely, including Hsp84, Hsp86 and YB-1. In conclusion, acupuncture could be a potential intervention to retard molecular events with aging in mammals.[1]


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