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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Impaired binding of AHSP to alpha chain variants: Hb Groene Hart illustrates a mechanism leading to unstable hemoglobins with alpha thalassemic like syndrome.

Alpha hemoglobin stabilizing protein (AHSP) is a small protein of 102 residues induced by GATA-1, Oct-1- and EKLF. It is synthesized at a high level in the red blood cell precursors and acts as a chaperone protecting the alpha hemoglobin (alpha-Hb) chains against precipitation. AHSP and alpha-Hb form a heterodimer complex. In the absence of AHSP, alpha-Hb oxidizes and precipitates within the erythrocyte precursors of the bone marrow leading to apoptosis and defective erythropoiesis. In vitro the binding of AHSP to ferrous alpha-Hb accelerates oxidation of the heme iron in alpha-Hb, but the complex is more resistant to protein unfolding. AHSP could act as a modulating factor in beta-thalassemia. Recent studies showed more severe thalassemic syndromes in patients with decreased levels of AHSP and in one patient who carried a structurally abnormal AHSP. Some alpha-Hb variants with structural abnormality located in the contact area between alpha-Hb and AHSP exhibit an instability and a thalassemic like syndrome. We suggest that this could result from a disturbed interaction between alpha-Hb variants and AHSP. To study this interaction, we constructed the pGEX-alpha-AHSP vector that co-expressed human alpha-Hb and AHSP. Using this approach, we investigated the alpha42 (C7), alpha104 ( G11) and alpha119 (H2) sites, where variants with some thalassemic features have been described. Results obtained with recombinant Groene Hart alpha-Hb and Diamant alpha-Hb, in which proline 119 is replaced by a serine and a leucine, respectively, showed clearly an impaired interaction with AHSP. In contrast, the alpha mutants at the sites 42 and 104 exhibit a normal interaction with AHSP. The CO rebinding kinetics of the AHSP/alpha-Hb(42mutant) complexes were similar to those previously obtained with the AHSP/alpha-Hb(WT) complex, which shows a modified rate that is intermediate to the classical Hb allosteric states.[1]


  1. Impaired binding of AHSP to alpha chain variants: Hb Groene Hart illustrates a mechanism leading to unstable hemoglobins with alpha thalassemic like syndrome. Vasseur-Godbillon, C., Marden, M.C., Giordano, P., Wajcman, H., Baudin-Creuza, V. Blood Cells Mol. Dis. (2006) [Pubmed]
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