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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Histone deacetylase 6 inhibition compensates for the transport deficit in Huntington's disease by increasing tubulin acetylation.

A defect in microtubule (MT)-based transport contributes to the neuronal toxicity observed in Huntington's disease (HD). Histone deacetylase ( HDAC) inhibitors show neuroprotective effects in this devastating neurodegenerative disorder. We report here that HDAC inhibitors, including trichostatin A (TSA), increase vesicular transport of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by inhibiting HDAC6, thereby increasing acetylation at lysine 40 of alpha-tubulin. MT acetylation in vitro and in cells causes the recruitment of the molecular motors dynein and kinesin-1 to MTs. In neurons, acetylation at lysine 40 of alpha-tubulin increases the flux of vesicles and the subsequent release of BDNF. We show that tubulin acetylation is reduced in HD brains and that TSA compensates for the transport- and release-defect phenotypes that are observed in disease. Our findings reveal that HDAC6 inhibition and acetylation at lysine 40 of alpha-tubulin may be therapeutic targets of interest in disorders such as HD in which intracellular transport is altered.[1]


  1. Histone deacetylase 6 inhibition compensates for the transport deficit in Huntington's disease by increasing tubulin acetylation. Dompierre, J.P., Godin, J.D., Charrin, B.C., Cordelières, F.P., King, S.J., Humbert, S., Saudou, F. J. Neurosci. (2007) [Pubmed]
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