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Gene Review

HTT  -  huntingtin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: HD, HD protein, Huntingtin, Huntington disease protein, IT15

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Disease relevance of HD


Psychiatry related information on HD


High impact information on HD


Chemical compound and disease context of HD


Biological context of HD

  • Our results show that huntingtin is cleaved by cysteine proteases and suggest that HD might be a disorder of inappropriate apoptosis [18].
  • Pathogenesis in HD seems to involve the formation of neuronal intranuclear inclusions and the abnormal regulation of transcription and signal transduction [3].
  • Using spectrophotometric assays in postmortem brain tissue, we found evidence of impaired oxidative phosphorylation enzyme activities restricted to the basal ganglia in HD brain, while enzyme activities were unaltered in three regions relatively spared by HD pathology (frontal cortex, parietal cortex, and cerebellum) [19].
  • A key strategy for understanding HD pathology is to identify signaling cascades initiated by mutant Htt that lead to neuronal cell death and dysfunction [20].
  • These findings reveal a singular, new subcellular phenotype in HD cells [21].

Anatomical context of HD


Associations of HD with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of HD


Enzymatic interactions of HD


Co-localisations of HD


Regulatory relationships of HD

  • In the striatum, huntingtin is expressed in 75% of neurons containing BDNF [35].
  • When a YFP-tagged mutant truncated huntingtin construct was transiently transfected into cells that express no detectable tTG due to stable transfection with a tTG antisense construct, there was extensive aggregate formation [36].
  • However, in addition to CBP recruitment, we show here that CBP ubiquitylation and degradation can be selectively enhanced by polyQ-expanded htt [37].
  • The serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase SGK inhibits mutant huntingtin-induced toxicity by phosphorylating serine 421 of huntingtin [16].
  • In our previous studies, we found that expression of polyglutamine-expanded huntingtin in HN33 cells induced sensitization of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors (Sun, Y., Savinainen, A., and Liu, Y. F. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 24713-24718) [31].

Other interactions of HD

  • Cleavage of huntingtin by apopain, a proapoptotic cysteine protease, is modulated by the polyglutamine tract [18].
  • SH3GL3 associates with the Huntingtin exon 1 protein and promotes the formation of polygln-containing protein aggregates [29].
  • Marked CIP4 overexpression also was observed in Western blot from human HD brain striatum [3].
  • Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have isolated a novel htt interacting protein, HIP14 [38].
  • Furthermore, this interaction is repeat-length-dependent and is enhanced with mutant huntingtin, possibly causing the sequestration of PACSIN 1 [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of HD


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