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Altered phenotypes associated with ampD mutations in Enterobacter cloacae.

A study was done to determine the genetic locus responsible for altered expression of AmpC beta-lactamase in Enterobacter cloacae 1194E and several mutants derived from E. cloacae 029. These phenotypes were defined by units of enzyme activity found in sonic extracts of cells before and after induction with cefoxitin and included (units uninduced/units induced) the wild-type (7/219), high-level constitutive (10,911/10,862), temperature-sensitive (at 30 degrees C 82/706 and at 42 degrees C 5,031/6,020), and hyperinducible (19/1,688) phenotypes. When the ampD region of each E. cloacae strain was cloned and introduced into an ampD mutant Escherichia coli strain, the altered phenotypes were found to reside within this locus. Furthermore, transformants containing wild-type ampD were poorly inducible at 42 degrees C while those with high-level constitutive or hyperinducible ampD were unaffected by temperature. Since the source of ampD was the only variable in these E. coli transformants, these results suggested that ampD encodes a protein that is involved in sensing the inducer. To test this possibility, the responses to different inducers of E. coli transformants containing various ampD regions were assessed. In the presence of wild-type ampD, transformants responded equally to cefoxitin and cefotetan, regardless of temperature. In the presence of temperature-sensitive ampD, induction by cefotetan was similar to that by cefoxitin at 30 degrees C but greater than that by cefoxitin at 42 degrees C. These results suggest that ampD encodes a protein involved in induction of AmpC beta-lactamase in E. cloacae.[1]


  1. Altered phenotypes associated with ampD mutations in Enterobacter cloacae. Korfmann, G., Sanders, C.C., Moland, E.S. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1991) [Pubmed]
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