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Chemical Compound Review

Ceftotan     (7R)-7-[[4-(aminocarbonyl- carboxy...

Synonyms: NSC-760045, NSC760045, LS-149944, ICI 156834, DB01330, ...
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Disease relevance of cefotetan


Psychiatry related information on cefotetan

  • Cefotetan inhibited beta-lactamases of the type Ia and Id, but it also induced these beta-lactamases in P. aeruginosa, E. cloacae and C. freundii [6].

High impact information on cefotetan


Chemical compound and disease context of cefotetan


Biological context of cefotetan


Anatomical context of cefotetan


Associations of cefotetan with other chemical compounds


Gene context of cefotetan

  • Cefotetan MICs of >/= 8 microg/ml were obtained for seven of eight producers of AmpC beta-lactamase and no ESBL producers [26].
  • In the presence of temperature-sensitive ampD, induction by cefotetan was similar to that by cefoxitin at 30 degrees C but greater than that by cefoxitin at 42 degrees C. These results suggest that ampD encodes a protein involved in induction of AmpC beta-lactamase in E. cloacae [27].
  • Upon closure of the abdomen (216 +/- 76 min), cefotetan concentrations were 6.3 +/- 3 micrograms/g in abdominal-wall fat, 6.1 +/- 4 micrograms/g in epiploic fat, and 64 +/- 38 mg/liter in serum [8].
  • Meropenem and imipenem were highly resistant to the hydrolytic activity of all the TEM and SHV related beta-lactamases, and to the OXA enzymes, as were the cephamycins: cefoxitin and cefotetan [28].
  • Drug-independent antibodies (i.e., those reacting without any drug being present) were detected in 33 to 44 percent of patients' sera containing cefotetan antibodies, depending on the sensitivity of the method used [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of cefotetan


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