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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Glutamate receptor channels in rat DRG neurons: activation by kainate and quisqualate and blockade of desensitization by Con A.

Primary afferent C fibers in rat dorsal roots are depolarized by the excitatory amino acids kainate and domoate. Under whole-cell voltage clamp, kainate and domoate increase membrane conductance in a subpopulation of freshly dissociated DRG neurons. In contrast to kainate currents observed in CNS neurons, responses to kainate and domoate in DRG cells desensitize with prolonged agonist exposure. Half-maximal activation is achieved with much lower concentrations of kainate and domoate in sensory neurons than in CNS neurons from cerebral cortex. Rapid applications of glutamate, quisqualate, and AMPA evoke a transient current in DRG neurons and desensitize cells to subsequent applications of kainate or domoate. Brief incubation with the lectin concanavalin A eliminates desensitization to excitatory amino acids; after treatment with concanavalin A, all five agonists gate sustained currents of similar amplitude via the same receptor.[1]


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