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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The fission yeast cut1+ gene regulates spindle pole body duplication and has homology to the budding yeast ESP1 gene.

Mutations in the fission yeast cut1+, cut2+, and cut10+ genes uncouple normally coordinated mitotic events and deregulate, rather than arrest, mitosis. DNA synthesis continues, making polyploid nuclei with several spindles. Multiple, aberrant spindle pole bodies (SPBs) are produced in cut1 mutant cells. The cut1+ and cut2+ genes are cloned by transformation. High gene dosage of cut1+ also complements cut2 and cut10 mutants. The cut2+ gene, however, complements only cut2. The 210 kd cut1+ gene product contains putative ATP binding and helical coil regions followed by a COOH-terminal domain homologous to the S. cerevisiae gene ESP1. Mutations in the ESP1 gene also result in many SPBs. The cut1+ product is shown by anti-cut1 antibody to be a rare component of the insoluble nuclear fraction. It may play a key role in coupling chromosome disjunction with other cell cycle events and is potentially a component, regulator, or motor for the SPB and/or kinetochores.[1]


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