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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Relationship of glucocorticoid dosage to serum bone Gla-protein concentration in patients with rheumatologic disorders.

Serum bone Gla-protein ( BGP) measurements in 50 rheumatic disease patients receiving long-term prednisone therapy revealed an inverse relationship (r = -0.71, P less than 0.001) between serum BGP levels and prednisone dosage. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated significant relationships (R2 = 0.72, P less than 0.001) between serum BGP1/2 and prednisone dosage, dosage2, serum creatinine, age, and an age-creatinine interaction. This model predicts the suppression of serum BGP with low dosages of steroids and 50% suppression with dosages of 20-25 mg/day.[1]


  1. Relationship of glucocorticoid dosage to serum bone Gla-protein concentration in patients with rheumatologic disorders. Kotowicz, M.A., Hall, S., Hunder, G.G., Cedel, S.L., Mann, K.G., Riggs, B.L. Arthritis Rheum. (1990) [Pubmed]
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