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Gene Review

BGLAP  -  bone gamma-carboxyglutamate (gla) protein

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BGP, Bone Gla protein, Gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-containing protein, OC, OCN, ...
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Disease relevance of BGLAP

  • Osteocalcin: genetic and physical mapping of the human gene BGLAP and its potential role in postmenopausal osteoporosis [1].
  • Urinary hydroxyproline (r = 0.29, P less than 0.001), an index of bone resorption, and serum alkaline phosphatase (r = 0.31, P less than 0.001), an index of bone formation, also increased with age and these increases correlated with increases in serum BGP (r = 0.39, P less than 0.001 and r = 0.43, P less than 0.001, respectively) [2].
  • A subgroup of 32 women who were found to have vertebral fractures, hip fractures, or both had significantly higher values for serum BGP than the remainder [2].
  • Because it is unclear whether age-related bone loss results from increased bone resorption, decreased bone formation or both, we measured the serum level of bone Gla-protein (BGP), a specific marker for bone turnover, in 174 women, ages 30 to 94 yr [2].
  • Only serum BGP showed a significant correlation in both sexes of the Cd-exposed subjects, and a sex difference was found in the relationship between bone metabolic markers and osteopenia [3].

High impact information on BGLAP


Chemical compound and disease context of BGLAP


Biological context of BGLAP

  • Through testing for association, linkage, and linkage and association simultaneously, our data support the VDR gene as a quantitative trait locus (QTL) underlying spine BMD variation and the BGP gene as a QTL underlying hip BMD variation [12].
  • In the present work, the BGP cDNA and gene were cloned from a teleost fish, Sparus aurata, and its tissue distribution, pattern of developmental expression and evolutionary pathways analyzed [13].
  • In addition to serum osteocalcin (BGP) we measured parathyroid hormone (PTH) (carboxyl and mid-molecule fragments), 25(OH)D, alkaline phosphatase, estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), dietary calcium intake, 24 hour urinary calcium excretion, and bone mineral density by CT scan of the lumbar vertebrae [14].
  • The different findings may reflect inter-population differences in the association (i.e., linkage disequilibrium) of molecular markers with BMD, and indicate the limit of using the HindIII marker of the BGP gene as a genetic marker to discern women susceptible to low BMD and thus osteoporosis in Chinese [15].
  • We did not find any significant difference in spine and hip BMD across BGP genotypes in either pre- or postmenopausal women or the combined group [15].

Anatomical context of BGLAP


Associations of BGLAP with chemical compounds

  • Using partial correlation coefficients, serum BGP still correlated positively with age (r = 0.31, P less than 0.001) after creatinine clearance was fixed but not with creatinine clearance (r = -0.04, NS) when age was fixed [2].
  • Serum immunoreactive parathyroid hormone concentrations (r = 0.39, P less than 0.001) and urinary cyclic AMP excretion (r = 0.38, P less than 0.001) increased, suggesting that PTH secretion increased with age; these increases correlated significantly with increases in serum BGP [2].
  • The time course of BGP digestion by each cathepsin was first determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [20].
  • Accordingly, recent work indicates that, in mammalian bone, BGP is required for adequate maturation of the hydroxyapatite crystal [13].
  • Urinary excretion of BGP and hydroxyproline showed an increase in the anticonvulsant group, but it was not statistically significant [21].

Other interactions of BGLAP

  • Cathepsins B, L, H, and S readily cleave BGP at the G7-A8 bond; cathepsin L also cleaves at R43-R44; cathepsin B also cleaves at R44-F45; and cathepsin D cleaves only at A41-Y42 [20].
  • Phylogenetic analysis of the available BGP sequences supports the hypothesis that all BGPs have a single origin and share a common ancestor with a related vitamin K-dependent protein (Matrix Gla protein) [13].
  • However, in a subgroup of 10 patients without hyperparathyroidism, there was strong and significant correlation (r = 0.81, P less than 0.01) between BGP and BFR [22].
  • Compared with the non-exposed subjects, the levels of serum creatinine and BGP, urinary Cd and beta 2-microglobulin and blood Cd were higher, while the levels of serum inorganic phosphorus and MD indicators were lower in the Cd-exposed group [3].
  • Male RA patients showed decreased levels of serum BGP (7.3 +/- 1.0 vs 8.2 +/- 1.7 ng/mL; p < 0.01) [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BGLAP

  • The immunoreactivity of the major peptides generated by cathepsin cleavage was evaluated using the original radioimmunoassay developed for the detection of BGP in human serum [20].
  • These results demonstrate the utility of peptides generated by cathepsin digestion in the mapping of the antigenic epitopes recognized by a given BGP immunoassay [20].
  • We then incubated human and bovine BGP with each cathepsin for a sufficient time to reduce the level of intact protein by at least 20-fold, isolated the major cleavage peptides, and identified each by N-terminal sequence analysis and by amino acid analysis [20].
  • One week after the fracture, mean serum concentrations of calcium and ICTP were elevated in correspondence to degree of immobilization (mean Rankin score; 4.4), while serum concentrations of BGP, PTH, 25-OHD, and 1,25-[OH]2D were depressed [24].
  • Serum BGP and A1-P levels were significantly increased in the anticonvulsant group compared with the control group (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01, respectively), and a positive correlation was found between serum BGP and A1-P levels (P less than 0.05) [21].


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