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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Therapy of diseased stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats with nimodipine.

We investigated the therapeutic effect of nimodipine or parathyroidectomy in old, diseased stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats by observing 98 male 1-year-old rats over 5 months. After stroke had occurred, the rats were divided into three groups: 1) parathyroidectomy, 2) nimodipine, and 3) controls. In the nimodipine group, the rats survived longer than those in the other groups. Blood pressure of the controls did not differ from the nimodipine-treated and parathyroidectomy animals. The increase in calcium content of brain and kidney tissues and of plasma renin activity, urea, and creatinine was attenuated by nimodipine or parathyroidectomy. The histology of the kidneys revealed widespread fibrinoid necrosis of arteries in all rats. In the nimodipine-treated or parathyroidectomy groups, healing of the lesions was detectable. Cerebral lesions were mainly characterized by fibrinoid necrosis. Nimodipine-treated as well as parathyroidectomied animals showed significantly fewer hypertensive cerebral lesions. In old, diseased stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats, therapy with nimodipine or parathyroidectomy increased their survival rate. The cerebrovascular and renovascular lesions of treated animals were attenuated, and morphologic signs of healing were observed. Reduction of calcium overload by nimodipine or parathyroidectomy, even in an advanced stage of disease, had a therapeutic effect.[1]


  1. Therapy of diseased stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats with nimodipine. Lenz, P., Luckhaus, G., Stasch, J.P., Kazda, S. Stroke (1990) [Pubmed]
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