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Antibody to myelin-associated glycoprotein reacts with plasma cells in mice.

A recent study on the relative disappearance of MAG versus MBP in primary and recurrent lesions of Theiler's infection had shown that numerous mononuclear cells in meninges and perivascular spaces specifically bound anti-MAG antibody. The present study was undertaken to clarify the nature of these cells. Immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy were done on serial sections of affected spinal cords. In addition sequential immunofluorescence and HRP immunocytochemistry were performed on single sections of spinal cords and spleens from normal mice and mice with Theiler's infection and EAE. Results indicate that cells binding anti-MAG antibody are plasma cells and that they are present in both normal and diseased animals.[1]


  1. Antibody to myelin-associated glycoprotein reacts with plasma cells in mice. Dal Canto, M.C., Barbano, R.L. J. Neuroimmunol. (1986) [Pubmed]
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