Gene Review:
MAG - myelin associated glycoprotein
Homo sapiens
GMA, Myelin-associated glycoprotein, S-MAG, SIGLEC-4A, SIGLEC4A, ...
- Myelin-associated glycoprotein in multiple sclerosis lesions: a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Möller, J.R., Yanagisawa, K., Brady, R.O., Tourtellotte, W.W., Quarles, R.H. Ann. Neurol. (1987)
- Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) distribution in human central nervous tissue studied immunocytochemically with monoclonal antibody. Favilla, J.T., Frail, D.E., Palkovits, C.G., Stoner, G.L., Braun, P.E., Webster, H.D. J. Neuroimmunol. (1984)
- Autoimmune T cell repertoire in optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis: T cells recognising multiple myelin proteins are accumulated in cerebrospinal fluid. Söderström, M., Link, H., Sun, J.B., Fredrikson, S., Wang, Z.Y., Huang, W.X. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (1994)
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- Complement-mediated demyelination in patients with IgM monoclonal gammopathy and polyneuropathy. Monaco, S., Bonetti, B., Ferrari, S., Moretto, G., Nardelli, E., Tedesco, F., Mollnes, T.E., Nobile-Orazio, E., Manfredini, E., Bonazzi, L. N. Engl. J. Med. (1990)
- Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein is a Nogo receptor ligand that inhibits neurite outgrowth. Wang, K.C., Koprivica, V., Kim, J.A., Sivasankaran, R., Guo, Y., Neve, R.L., He, Z. Nature (2002)
- The B-cell antigen CD22 mediates monocyte and erythrocyte adhesion. Stamenkovic, I., Seed, B. Nature (1990)
- Myelin-associated glycoprotein in human retina. Stefansson, K., Molnar, M.L., Marton, L.S., Molnar, G.K., Mihovilovic, M., Tripathi, R.C., Richman, D.P. Nature (1984)
- A p75(NTR) and Nogo receptor complex mediates repulsive signaling by myelin-associated glycoprotein. Wong, S.T., Henley, J.R., Kanning, K.C., Huang, K.H., Bothwell, M., Poo, M.M. Nat. Neurosci. (2002)
- Polychlorinated biphenyls exert selective effects on cellular composition of white matter in a manner inconsistent with thyroid hormone insufficiency. Sharlin, D.S., Bansal, R., Zoeller, R.T. Endocrinology (2006)
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- Pathogenesis and therapy of neuropathies associated with monoclonal gammopathies. Latov, N. Ann. Neurol. (1995)
- Polyneuropathy syndromes associated with serum antibodies to sulfatide and myelin-associated glycoprotein. Pestronk, A., Li, F., Griffin, J., Feldman, E.L., Cornblath, D., Trotter, J., Zhu, S., Yee, W.C., Phillips, D., Peeples, D.M. Neurology (1991)
- Comparative binding of murine and human monoclonal antibodies reacting with myelin-associated glycoprotein to myelin and human lymphocytes. Miller, S.L., Kahn, S.N., Perussia, B., Trinchieri, G. J. Neuroimmunol. (1987)
- Temporal and spatial expression of major myelin proteins in the human fetal spinal cord during the second trimester. Weidenheim, K.M., Bodhireddy, S.R., Rashbaum, W.K., Lyman, W.D. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. (1996)
- Cell-mediated immunity to myelin-associated glycoprotein, proteolipid protein, and myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis. Johnson, D., Hafler, D.A., Fallis, R.J., Lees, M.B., Brady, R.O., Quarles, R.H., Weiner, H.L. J. Neuroimmunol. (1986)
- Characterization of binding properties of the myelin-associated glycoprotein to extracellular matrix constituents. Fahrig, T., Landa, C., Pesheva, P., Kühn, K., Schachner, M. EMBO J. (1987)
- Microtubule-associated protein 1B: a neuronal binding partner for myelin-associated glycoprotein. Franzen, R., Tanner, S.L., Dashiell, S.M., Rottkamp, C.A., Hammer, J.A., Quarles, R.H. J. Cell Biol. (2001)
- Overcoming inhibitors in myelin to promote axonal regeneration. Domeniconi, M., Filbin, M.T. J. Neurol. Sci. (2005)
- Myelin proteolipid protein, basic protein, the small isoform of myelin-associated glycoprotein, and p42MAPK are associated in the Triton X-100 extract of central nervous system myelin. Arvanitis, D.N., Yang, W., Boggs, J.M. J. Neurosci. Res. (2002)
- Myelin-associated glycoprotein interacts with the Nogo66 receptor to inhibit neurite outgrowth. Domeniconi, M., Cao, Z., Spencer, T., Sivasankaran, R., Wang, K., Nikulina, E., Kimura, N., Cai, H., Deng, K., Gao, Y., He, Z., Filbin, M. Neuron (2002)
- In vivo detection of Egr2 binding to target genes during peripheral nerve myelination. Jang, S.W., LeBlanc, S.E., Roopra, A., Wrabetz, L., Svaren, J. J. Neurochem. (2006)
- Fibronectin is a binding partner for the myelin-associated glycoprotein (siglec-4a). Strenge, K., Brossmer, R., Ihrig, P., Schauer, R., Kelm, S. FEBS Lett. (2001)
- Binding specificities of the sialoadhesin family of I-type lectins. Sialic acid linkage and substructure requirements for binding of myelin-associated glycoprotein, Schwann cell myelin protein, and sialoadhesin. Collins, B.E., Kiso, M., Hasegawa, A., Tropak, M.B., Roder, J.C., Crocker, P.R., Schnaar, R.L. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)
- Nogo-66 and myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) inhibit the adhesion and migration of Nogo-66 receptor expressing human glioma cells. Liao, H., Duka, T., Teng, F.Y., Sun, L., Bu, W.Y., Ahmed, S., Tang, B.L., Xiao, Z.C. J. Neurochem. (2004)
- Autoreactive CD8+ T-cell responses to human myelin protein-derived peptides. Tsuchida, T., Parker, K.C., Turner, R.V., McFarland, H.F., Coligan, J.E., Biddison, W.E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1994)
- Expression of transcripts for myelination-related genes in the anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia. McCullumsmith, R.E., Gupta, D., Beneyto, M., Kreger, E., Haroutunian, V., Davis, K.L., Meador-Woodruff, J.H. Schizophr. Res. (2007)
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- Autoreactive T and B cells in nervous system diseases. Sun, J.B. Acta Neurol. Scand., Suppl. (1993)
- A derivative of myelin-associated glycoprotein in cerebrospinal fluid of normal subjects and patients with neurological disease. Yanagisawa, K., Quarles, R.H., Johnson, D., Brady, R.O., Whitaker, J.N. Ann. Neurol. (1985)
- Selective loss of myelin-associated glycoprotein from myelin correlates with anti-MAG antibody titre in demyelinating paraproteinaemic polyneuropathy. Gabriel, J.M., Erne, B., Miescher, G.C., Miller, S.L., Vital, A., Vital, C., Steck, A.J. Brain (1996)
- Variability in the binding of anti-MAG and anti-SGPG antibodies to target antigens in demyelinating neuropathy and IgM paraproteinemia. Weiss, M.D., Dalakas, M.C., Lauter, C.J., Willison, H.J., Quarles, R.H. J. Neuroimmunol. (1999)