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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Administration of nasal Buserelin as compared with subcutaneous Buserelin implant for endometriosis.

One hundred infertile patients with laparoscopically confirmed ovarian endometriosis were treated with either intranasal (IN) Buserelin (Hoechst, AG, Frankfurt am Main, West Germany) (300 micrograms three times a day) or subcutaneous (SC) Buserelin implant (6.6 mg Buserelin). Serum estradiol was suppressed in the menopausal range in both groups, but the inhibition of the pituitary ovarian axis appeared more profound and consistent in the SC group than in the IN group. Laparoscopic findings proved that the SC Buserelin emerged superior to the IN Buserelin. Indeed, the score of endometriotic lesions and the ovarian cyst diameter were more reduced in the SC group than in the IN group. Moreover, the histologic study showed a lower incidence of active endometriosis and a lower mitotic index of ovarian endometrial epithelium in the SC group than in the IN group. In conclusion, the release of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist by a biodegradable implant achieved better efficacy in reducing endometriotic lesions than the IN mode of administration.[1]


  1. Administration of nasal Buserelin as compared with subcutaneous Buserelin implant for endometriosis. Donnez, J., Nisolle-Pochet, M., Clerckx-Braun, F., Sandow, J., Casanas-Roux, F. Fertil. Steril. (1989) [Pubmed]
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