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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Sympathetic response to oral carbohydrate administration. Evidence from microelectrode nerve recordings.

Microneurography was used to measure sympathetic outflow in human muscle nerves ( MSA) for up to 90 min after the ingestion of 100 g D-glucose, 75.8 g D-xylose, intravenous D-glucose (0.35 g/kg), and 300 ml water. 19 healthy subjects were examined using a microelectrode positioned in the right peroneal nerve. MSA increased from 21 +/- 0.9 bursts/min at rest to 36.9 +/- 4.3 bursts/min 30 min after ingestion of D-glucose and from 18.9 +/- 2.9 to 26.3 +/- 3.4 bursts/min 30 min after D-xylose. The increase in MSA was already significant by 15 min. MSA had not returned to the basal level after 90 min. Neither intravenous D-glucose nor water intake enhanced MSA. MSA increased in parallel with plasma norepinephrine, and a significant correlation (r = 0.55; P less than 0.001) was observed between the plasma insulin concentration and MSA after D-glucose ingestion. In three subjects the outflow of sympathetic nerve activity to the skin was examined after oral D-glucose and no change was observed, emphasizing the differentiated nature of the sympathetic nerve response to carbohydrate. Multiple factors such as insulin alone, hemodynamic adjustment to splanchnic vasodilation, and gastrointestinal distension are probably involved in the increased muscle nerve sympathetic outflow after carbohydrate ingestion.[1]


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