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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Involvement of thiol proteases in galactosialidosis.

The activities of Z-Phe-Arg-NMec(ZPA) hydrolase, cathepsin B and cathepsin H and the concentration of endogenous thiol protease inhibitor in fibroblasts from patients with galactosialidosis were found not to be significantly different from those in control fibroblasts. Culture for 5 days with thiol protease inhibitors such as leupeptin, E-64 or Z-Phe-Phe-CHN2 partially restored the beta-galactosidase activity of fibroblasts from patients, but did not affect the beta-galactosidase activity of fibroblasts from control subjects. However, culture with leupeptin, but not other protease inhibitors, increased the ZPA hydrolase and cathepsin B activities of fibroblasts from both patients and controls 2- to 4-fold. Sephadex G-75 chromatography showed that the activity of high molecular weight ZPA hydrolase, which was initially predominant in fibroblasts, decreased markedly during their culture with leupeptin, while the activities of lower molecular weight ZPA hydrolase and cathepsin B increased about 5-fold. These results suggest that high molecular weight ZPA hydrolase, which is presumably cathepsin J, degrades beta-galactosidase, and that the defect in galactosialidosis is impaired protection of beta-galactosidase from degradation.[1]


  1. Involvement of thiol proteases in galactosialidosis. Takeda, E., Kuroda, Y., Toshima, K., Naito, E., Ito, M., Miyao, M., Kominami, E., Katunuma, N. Clin. Chim. Acta (1986) [Pubmed]
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