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Gene Review

CTSH  -  cathepsin H

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ACC-4, ACC-5, CPSB, Pro-cathepsin H, minichain
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Disease relevance of CTSH


Psychiatry related information on CTSH


High impact information on CTSH

  • It inhibits two other cysteine proteases, cathepsin H and papain, but to much lesser extent [7].
  • We have determined the subcellular distribution of this enzyme and three additional lysosomal hydrolases (cathepsin H, beta-hexosaminidase, and beta-glucuronidase) in normal murine liver and six metastatic variants of the B16 melanoma [8].
  • Faint staining of cathepsin H was also seen at the sites of rimmed vacuoles [9].
  • Amino acid sequence comparison revealed that oryzains alpha and beta are similar not only to each other (70% similarity) but also to actinidin and papain (about 50%), whereas oryzain gamma was rather similar to aleurain (85%) and cathepsin H (60%) [10].
  • The three oryzains are similar to one another and also to other known cysteine proteinases such as papain and cathepsin H with respect to the sequences around the active site residues and the COOH-terminal Trp-rich region [10].

Biological context of CTSH


Anatomical context of CTSH


Associations of CTSH with chemical compounds

  • Cathepsin H is a lysosomal cysteine protease that may participate in tumor progression [3].
  • Cathepsin L and cathepsin H were assayed in the presence of dithiothreitol and Na2EDTA (2 mM each) with Z-Phe-Arg-NHMec (pH 5.5) and Lys-NNa (pH 6.5) respectively [20].
  • Both proteinases are inhibited by traditional inhibitors of cysteine proteinases and E-64, but leupeptin turned to be more effective inhibitor of cathepsin L (Ki = 2.4 nM) than of cathepsin H (Ki = 9.2 microM), the latter enzyme being sensitive to puromycin and benzethonium chloride as well.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[20]
  • In comparison to normal sera, cathepsin H concentrations were elevated in all asthmatic patients, concentrations of both stefins were decreased in steroid-independent asthmatics, and stefin A concentrations were increased in steroid-dependent asthmatics before therapy [21].
  • The enzyme is stable over the pH range 5-7.5, whereas it becomes inactive on heating to 50 degrees C. Cathepsin H of human placenta, like the enzyme from other sources, hydrolyses protein and naphthylamide substrates, showing within the latter group the strongest preference towards arginine-beta-naphthylamide (pH optimum 6.8) [4].

Physical interactions of CTSH


Regulatory relationships of CTSH


Other interactions of CTSH

  • The approach of stefin A to cathepsin H induces structural changes along the interaction surface of both molecules, whereas no such changes were observed in the stefin B-papain complex [12].
  • The introduction of a charged residue into S2 (variant V10R) created a more specific inhibitor to distinguish cathepsin B from cathepsin H [27].
  • Exclusion of the COL1A2 and CTSH genes was possible in the large family that was analysed separately [11].
  • The enzymes, except cathepsin C, are endopeptidases (reviewed in Kirschke et al., 1995), although cathepsin B was found also to be a dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase (Aronson and Barrett, 1978) and cathepsin H also an aminopeptidase (Koga et al., 1992) [28].
  • Such N-terminal truncation of cystatin C caused >300-fold lower inhibition of papain, cathepsin B, L and K, whereas the cathepsin H activity was compromised by a factor of ca. 10. Similarly, truncation of cystatin D caused alleviated inhibition of all endogenous target enzymes investigated [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CTSH


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  2. Cysteine proteinase cathepsin H in tumours and sera of lung cancer patients: relation to prognosis and cigarette smoking. Schweiger, A., Staib, A., Werle, B., Krasovec, M., Lah, T.T., Ebert, W., Turk, V., Kos, J. Br. J. Cancer (2000) [Pubmed]
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  12. Crystal structure of Stefin A in complex with cathepsin H: N-terminal residues of inhibitors can adapt to the active sites of endo- and exopeptidases. Jenko, S., Dolenc, I., Guncar, G., Dobersek, A., Podobnik, M., Turk, D. J. Mol. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
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