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A new immunomodulating compound (AS-101) with potential therapeutic application.

There has been interest in the potential of synthetic compounds to modify immune responses by imitation of cytokine action. Direct administration of interleukin 2 ( IL-2) in conjunction with adoptive transfer of lymphokine activated killer cells has been used in the treatment of cancer, but there are toxic effects resulting from the high doses of IL-2 required. We have developed a new synthetic compound, ammonium tri-chloro(dioxoethylene-O,O'-)tellurate (AS-101), which has immunomodulating properties and minimal toxicity. The effects of AS-101 on the activation and function of immunocompetent cells have been assessed. We have found that AS-101 induces proliferation and IL-2 production by human lymphocytes in vitro, and enhances the production of IL-2 and colony-stimulating factor by mouse spleen cells. Splenocytes of BALB/c mice injected with AS-101 increased production of IL-2 and CSF in vitro in the presence of mitogen. Mononuclear cells of normal donors acquired responsiveness to recombinant IL-2 and bound monoclonal antibody to IL-2 receptor after incubation with AS-101. Splenocytes of mice treated in vivo with AS-101 expressed high levels of IL-2 receptor. The stimulation of lymphocytes by AS-101 apparently involves an increase in intracellular free calcium. AS-101 administered systemically to mice mediated antitumour effects which could be attributable to its immunomodulatory properties. In addition, AS-101 could directly enhance the ratio of OKT4 to OKT8-positive cells in cultured mononuclear cells from AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) patients. These results indicate that AS-101 is potentially useful in the treatment of clinical conditions involving immunosuppression.[1]


  1. A new immunomodulating compound (AS-101) with potential therapeutic application. Sredni, B., Caspi, R.R., Klein, A., Kalechman, Y., Danziger, Y., Ben Ya'akov, M., Tamari, T., Shalit, F., Albeck, M. Nature (1987) [Pubmed]
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