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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Chelation therapy of incorporated plutonium-238 and americium-241: comparison of LICAM(C), DTPA and DFOA in rats, hamsters and mice.

The carboxylated catechoylamide 3,4,3-LICAM(C) was tested for removal of 238Pu and 241Am from small laboratory rodents. The effectiveness of treatment was compared with that of two ligand preparations approved for clinical use: calcium-trisodium diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (DTPA) and desferrioxamine (DFOA). With early treatment and at the dosage used clinically for the decorporation of actinides with DTPA (30 mumol/kg body weight) LICAM(C) was superior to DFOA but when compared with DTPA, the effect of LICAM(C) on 238Pu was greater only in bone; as little as 1 mumol LICAM(C)/kg was as effective as 30 mumol DTPA/kg. However, in all animals treated with LICAM(C) there was a large increase in the 238Pu content of the kidney. With 241Am the effect of DTPA was always superior to that of LICAM(C). The best overall results early (1 day) after injection of 238Pu and 241Am were achieved by a combination of a single injection of LICAM(C) and DTPA with subsequent continuous administration of DTPA in drinking water. LICAM(C) affected the retention of 238Pu even if given orally; the data suggested that about 3 per cent of ingested LICAM(C) was absorbed. When the beginning of treatment was delayed, LICAM(C) became equally effective or less effective than DTPA even as far as 238Pu retention in bone was concerned, but it still increased the accumulation of 238Pu in the kidneys.[1]


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