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An electrooculographic study of internuclear ophthalmoplegia.

The eye movements of 25 patients with internuclear ophthalmoplegia were recorded by electrooculography. The velocity of adducting saccades was markedly less than normal. The velocity of abducting saccades was within the normal range, but statistically there was a wider distribution. Recordings were made in 2 patients several months after the onset of internuclear ophthalmoplegia, at which time the adducting eye velocity was greater than the abducting eye velocity. A patient with a unilateral medial fasciculus lesion showed marked overshoot of the abducting eye on contralateral saccades and overshoot of both eyes toward the side of the lesion. Optokinetic and postcaloric nystagmus were recorded, and the slow phase showed increasing velocity exponential waveform for the abducting eye. The recordings also showed decreasing velocity exponential waveform for the abducting eye. Downbeat nystagmus was as common as upbeat nystagmus in our patients. The findings appear to confirm the theoretical analysis of the eye movement disorder in internuclear ophthalmoplegia provided by Pola and Robinson as modified by recent experimental work in primates.[1]


  1. An electrooculographic study of internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Kirkham, T.H., Katsarkas, A. Ann. Neurol. (1977) [Pubmed]
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